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Characteristics and Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Sediments on a Macrotidal Mudflat Deposit of Namyang Bay, Western Coast of Korea

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15페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국지구과학회 수록지정보 : 한국지구과학회지 / 24권 / 1호
저자명 : Lim, D. I., Choi, J. Y., Jung, H. S.

영어 초록

In Namyang Bay of western Korea, macrotidal-flat deposits are divisible into three late Quaternary units: Unit M1 of upper marine mud, Unit T1 of middle siderite-bearing terrestrial clay, and Unit M2 of lower marine mud. Unit M1 represents typical Holocene intertidal mudflat deposits, showing a coarsening-upward textural trend. It probably resulted from the continual retrogradation of tidal flat during the mid-to-late Holocene sea-level rise. Reddish brown-color Unit T1 consists of homogeneous clay with abundant freshwater siderite grains and plant remains. Unit T1 is clearly separated from the overlying Unit M1 by a sharp lithologic boundary. Radiocarbon age, siderite grains and lithologic features indicate that Unit T1 is originated from freshwater bog or swamp deposition infilling the localized topographic lows during the early Holocene age. Overlain unconformably by early Holocene swamp clay, Unit M2 is orange to yellow in color and mottled, suggesting significant degree of weathering during the sea-level lowstand. Such subaerial oxidation is confirmed in the vertical profiles of geotechnical properties, clay mineral assemblages and magnetic susceptibility. Unit M2 appears to be correlated with the upper part of the late Pleistocene tidal deposits developed along the western Korean coast. The sedimentary succession of the Namyang-Bay tidal-flat deposit provides stratigraphic information for the Holocene-late Pleistocene unconformity and also permits an assessment of the preservation potential of the late Pleistocene marginal marine deposit along the western coast of Korea.

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Characteristics and Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Sediments on a Macrotidal Mudflat Deposit of Namyang Bay, Western Coast of Korea
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