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20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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발행기관 : 한국중국문화학회 수록지정보 : 중국학논총
저자명 : 钱健


一. 学术界对金沧江的文学评论的既往研究
二. 金沧江文学批评中的价值立场
三. 金沧江文学批评中的品德立场
四. 金沧江文学批评中的艺术立场
五. 金沧江文学批评中的美学立场

한국어 초록


영어 초록

This thesis including two works: a paper text and a slide group Each of them is independent, but the main structures and views of the both are the same. The outline of them is as follows:
Introduction: the literary achievements of Kim Chang-gang
I. The previous studies within the academic circle into Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism
II. The position reflecting the truth of Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism
III. The moral position for Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism
IV. The coherence, reason and logic in perspective (the position of artistic view) of Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism
V. The aesthetics in perspective (the position of the enthusiasm and interest momentum) for Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism Conclusion
After Mr. Kim Chang-gang’s exile in China pulled his family members in 1905, more than thirty books and collections were written or compiled by Kim Chang-gang himself were published in
China. Of these, there were about a dozen books of his poetry anthologies and essays such as the collections under the titles of Chang-gang’s Draft, Corpus of Shaohu Hall, Miscellanea at Pavilion by Tree and others. Kim Chang-gang’s writing was one of the marks of the highest achievements of Korean literature that era. His vast works of very high attainments greatly enriched the treasure house of Korean literature, has also become the part, which continues to maintain its vitality, of the world's literary heritage. I thought that his outstanding achievement in creative literature is expressed in three main areas: writing of poem, prose and biography. I figure that a thousand and a few poems of him have been published, there are a small number of his poems have scattered in some places. There are nearly one hundred biographies and around five hundred essays, both of them written by him. Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism has been concerned about very rarely though his creative literature has been continually studied in the academic circle. This article attempts to understand his literary criticism by exploring and analyzing the ideas, theories and methods of his literary criticism in perspectives of the value, art and aesthetic with examples. We could attribute his basic perspective judging the literary value to a theory of literature plus truth which essence is a view of integration of text and truth. The so-called moral perspectives namely the moral position that literary criticism, is not detached, in Kim Chang-gang’s vision, the literary works in high quality and health could be produced only by man whom keeps noble behaviors and lofty ideas. The coherence, reason and logic in perspective (the position of artistic view) of Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism is introduced and discussed in this thesis as well as the aesthetics in perspective, the position of the enthusiasm and interest momentum, for Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism. Kim Chang-gang’s literary criticism outlook was just formed after his study and assessment of the works written by more than a hundred Korean and Chinese literati and built on the basis of his own life experience including his literary practice. The ideas, positions, theories, methods of his literary criticism are the very precious treasure of Korean national literary. The reason, justice, the rich emotion, highly artistic skills and so on within his literary criticism have been still shining glory, and still giving us a deep sense of inspiration and teaching that for us is continually worth to learn and comprehend.

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