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Medical Marijuana

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


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영어 리포트로 총 4장입니다.




Many people who disagree with using marijuana for medical purposes worry about its addictiveness. However, numerous studies show that marijuana is less addictive than cigarettes and alcohol. According to David Borden, Executive Director of the Drug Reform Coordination Network, addiction is a word that can not be defined clearly (“Is marijuana”). Addiction has five different properties: reinforcement, tolerance, withdrawal, dependence, and intoxication (Is marihuana”). Dr. Jack Heningfiel and Neal L. Benowiz M.D of the University of San Francisco have researched and made a table that contain ranking of six common substances in five problem areas (“Is marijuana”).

According to the tables, they rated various drugs for these five effects and found marijuana roughly tied with caffeine as the least addictive overall (“Is marijuana”). Therefore, marijuana is less addictive than alcohol and nicotine. In addition, most people do not take the drug a daily basis

참고 자료

Cohen, Perter J. and Peter A. Clark “Medical Marijuana” The Hastings Center Report” 33

(2003): 4-5.

“Executive Summary” Marijuana and Medicine 22 Nov 2006


“Has Legalizing Medical Marijuana Led to Increased Drug Abuse among Children
and Adolescents?” ProCon.org 26 Nov 2006 <http://www.medicalmarijuanaprocon.org/bin/procon/procon.cgi?database=5%2dC%2dSubs%2edb&command=viewone&id=6&op=t>

“Is Marijuana harmfully addictive?” ProCon.org 26 Nov 2006

<http://www.medicalmarijuanaprocon.org/bin/procon/procon.cgi?database=5%2d C%2dSubs%2edb&command=viewone&id=4&op=t>

Koch, Kathy. "Medical Marijuana." CQ Researcher 9.31 (1999): 705-728. CQ Public

Affairs Collection. CQ Press. Your library`s name, city, state abbreviation. 28

Nov. 2006 <http://library.cqpress.com/cqpac/cqresrre1999082000>.

“Medical Marijuana Advocates Slam ‘Politicized’ FDA Report.” The New Standard 24

Apr. 2006. 25 Nov 2006



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