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Why Do Nations Obey International Law (Usually)?

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Why Do Nations Obey International Law (Usually)?
에 대한 생각을 영어로 쓴글




Why Do Nations Obey International Law (Usually)?
A definition of international law is custom or customary law that globally accepted standards of behavior. International law is generally used for the system of implicit and explicit agreements. International law is typically a treaty. It is not concrete and dependent the voluntary participation of states. This law has increased in use and importance. Because of the difference of national power, reciprocity, war, armed conflict, environmental destruction, violation of human rights, huge and rapid increases in global trade and a global communications.
These days, all states concern each other. We have many international crisis and conflict. Of course, many problems are solving in domestic legal system. But the problem increases beyond domestic legal interpretation and enforcement. So international law was created. If so why do nations obey international law?

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