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최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기






1. 새해 인사
- I wish you good fortune and health in the new year.
- I wish that all good`s well this year.

2. Expressions
- Do you have any new year`s resolution?
- quit something for good ; permanently quit.
- Let`s check out on each other.
- Hit the nail right on the head.
- You took the word right out of my mouth.
- That`s what I`m saying.
- Action speak louder than words.
- junk food
- February
3. Conversation
A : So, do you have any big changes plan for the new year?B : You mean, new year`s resolution? Yeah, a couple how about you?
A : Other all health related. You know, cut down on junk food, hit the gym and quit smoking for good. What are yours?
B : They`re about the same. But you know how new year`s resolutions go. We can never seem to keep them. I usually break them by February.
B : You hit the nail right on the head. Maybe we check out on each other. We keep our resolution better.
A : That`s what I`m saying. You took the word right out of my mouth.
B : Well, action speak louder than words. So how about we go joining gym this weekend.
A : Oh man, my body hurts just thinking about it.

4. Headline News
If you plan to do some drinking this new year`s weekend, you might want to avoid doing it on a jet-liner over the ocean. A man was on a monarch airline`s jet that

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