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<리서치페이퍼> How immigrants adjust to the American culture? (reserch paper)

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최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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이민에 대한 리서치 페이퍼

미국 ELS 마스터를 졸업하면서 2달동안 쓰고 고치고 쓰고 고치고 하면서

제출 했던 리서치 페이퍼 입니다... A+ 받음


What are the melting pot and mixed salad?
After the immigrants bring their own food culture into America, the immigrants adjust their food culture to the American food culture.
The immigrants’ adjust to the America life style by type of American life style.


Many different kinds of people immigrated to America in the early years. It is a controversial issue who got here first. Some human remains over the past few years were found by the anthropologists, and these discoveries provide evidence that long before Ellis Island opened its door to welcome the immigrants from different countries all over the world, America was a kaleidoscope of ethnic and cultural groups. The most common belief is that the original American was from North East Asia.
The common conception among many people in this country is that the immigrants from the same country have their own culture, so how do the immigrants adjust to American culture instead of their own culture? Immigrants struggle to match the American expectation and response that immigrants often had a difficult and complicated experience when adjusting to life in America. Immigrant families had to find ways to adapt to American society. In some cases immigrants found it necessary to challenge American society. Immigrant ideals were challenged by American values that were pushed on them. Due to these as well as other hardships, immigrants from all walks of life living in America had a genuinely arduous task in adjusting to American life. This paper will address how immigrants adjust to American culture. (Kellogg, 3)

참고 자료

1.Campbell, Neil and Kean, Alasdair. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture.Published by Routledge, 1997

2.Kellogg William O. American History the Easy Way: The Easy Way. Phblished by Barron`s Educational Series, 2003.

3.Chiswick Barry R. & Christina A. Houseworth. Ethnic Intermarriage among Immigrants: Human Capital and Assortative Mating. Discussion Paper No. 3740, September 2008.

4.Fernandez Ronald. America Beyond Black and White: How Immigrants and Fusions Are Helping Us Overcome The Racial Divide. Michigan: Published by the University of Michigan Press, 2007.

5.Edmonston Barry and Jeffrey S. Passel. Immigration and Ethnicity. Washington, D.C., Published by The Urban Institute Press, 1994.

6.D’innocenzo Michael and Josef P. Sirefman. Immigration and Ethnicity, American Society-“Melting Pot” or “Salad Bowl”. London, Greeenwood Press. November 1997.

7.U.S. immigration information. 1998 - 2008. U.S. Immigration Support. 31st Nov. 2008.<http://www.rapidimmigration.com/usa/
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&lt;리서치페이퍼&gt; How immigrants adjust to the American culture? (reserch paper)
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