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English Essay - Abortion

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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원어민에게 교정 받아 문법오류 없고, 에세이 형식에 맞추어 쓴
좋은 점수 받은 에세이 입니다.



Abortion – a necessary evil? Or murder?


When they are a single mother.

When they got a sexual violence.

When their baby is severely handicapped.



Korea has been called, The Kingdom of Abortion, and also happens to be the same country holding the highest rate of suicide among OECD countries, and the number one country for giving children away for international adoption. The smoking, drinking and abortion rates are also the highest. Though I have already been aware of these facts, I have never thought that abortion would effect me until I found out that a friend of mine had an abortion. She described the process as scary, terrible and painful. Although people may know this, I do not understand why they would choose to take away that little life. There can be several reasons for this: they are a single mother, they have an unwanted pregnancy, or the child is conceived with a severe-handicap. For the first reason, a women may decide to go to the hospital to commit feticide if she is without a husband or boyfriend. Teenagers in particular are prone to make this kind of decision, as they have no idea how to raise a child at such a young age, due in part by the lack of employment or abilities to make enough money to support a baby. This being the case, even if a woman wants to give birth to her child, such reasons pose a serious problem. A child raised in a broken family can be extremely difficult; single parenting is both mentally and economically challenging. Thus, one reason a woman might give up her baby.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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English Essay - Abortion
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