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Jobless rate slips to near-record 6.4 per cent in September

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


The latest survey shows that the unemployment rate


Summary:Jobless rate slips to near-record 6.4 per cent in September (Chapter 2)

Summary: You Tube: From gags to riches (Chapter 6)


Jobless rate slips to near-record 6.4 per cent in September (Chapter 2)

The latest survey shows that the unemployment rate was slightly down to 6.4 per cent in September from 6.5 per cent from the month before. The reason for this good sign is 16,200 new jobs were created. But the worrying part is that the loss of 15,200 full time jobs were greater then the new 31,400 part-time jobs in Canada. Although competitive low labor cost, factory employment increased by 19,000 last month contrarily manufacturers laid off 67,000 jobs. Alberta marked the lowest rate among the provinces at 3,5 per cent. Ontario was the highest in the nation 6.6 per cent above the national average. According to BMO Capital Markets senior economist Doug Peter the regression in wages and fall down in full-time jobs are important then the rise in manufacture jobs and the small drop in the unemployment rate. Also TB Bank economist David

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Jobless rate slips to near-record 6.4 per cent in September
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