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Social Security Fund in Economic Approach

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Social Security Fund in Economic Approach


Social Security Fund in Economic Approach
Works cited


Social Security Fund in Economic Approach
When you retire who are you believe for your retirement life? This question is relying on their cultural meaning of retirement. For example, in Korea, many senior citizens believe their children for retired life. Some people believe their children, or some people believe retirement insurance companies for their retirement life. However, most people, especially poor people believe trust of fund in America. It called a national annuity of social security. For this research paper, I read two books numerous articles, and public proposals. In addition, I read numerous websites. From these resources, social security fund have to invest money in profitable market as soon and with as much money as possible.
“Social security is a system under which a government pays money regularly to certain groups of people, such as the sick, the employed.” (Collins ALE Dictionary, S, 1560). In contrast, I focused on social security service about retirement social security system. The population of the United States is aging ratio rapidly increased (See Table 1.0). Currently, more than twelve percent of US citizens retired. And, according to Boyes, in 2030, twenty one percent of US citizens aging are older than sixty five (423).
Social security problems have raised objection for a long time.

참고 자료

Works cited
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Boyes, Willium. Micro Economics. sixth. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005.
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