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안락사 (Euthanasia)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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안락사에 관한 2장짜리 영작문입니다. 미국유학생입니다. 문법이나 단어선택등등 자신하는 부분입니다. 2장짜리인데 목차는 필요없겠죠? 첫번재 문단에 밑줄 그어진건 주제문(thesis statement)입니다. 자료출처(reference)도 있습니다.




Euthanasia is killing people with the motivation of goodness and mercy (Kim 123). As originated in Greek, this word means beautiful and dignitary death. But we need to think hard if euthanasia really brings human being dignitary death. Up to now, the place that allows euthanasia is Holland and Oregon State in New York. Northern Territory, which is the first place that had enforced legalization law of euthanasia, abrogated the law in 1997 (Choi et al. 274). But, most countries in the world are still passionate argue. Approvers insist on economic efficiency. They say that it is a big suffering and great economic loss for family that keeps nursing a patient who is in brain death situation or total paralysis like a movie which I watched in my class. Of course, I know family`s sacrifice, too. If one of my family

참고 자료

* Choi, O. C., Park, M. E., Seo, M. K., & Jeon, S. K. Human Behavior & The Social Environment. Seoul: Yangseowon, 2003.
* Kim, K. H. Developmental Psychology. Seoul: Hakmunsa, 2001.
* Choi, J. C. “Controversy on Euthanasia of Korea Retrieved.” 24 NOV. 2004.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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