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EU(유럽연합), Free trade, 영문 Essay.

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8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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호주 대학교에서 에세이로 작성해 제출(2008.8), 우수한 점수를 받았던 에세이 입니다.
레퍼런스(출처) 까지 완벽하게 작성 되어 있습니다.


EU (European Union)

I. European Union
A. What is the EU (European Union)?
B. The purpose of free trade in Europe

II. Free trade in Europe
A. The present EU policies on FTA
B. Effects of free trade in Europe
C. What is the issue with free trade?

III. The EU - Playing an important role in free trade in Europe


A. The present EU policy on FTA
Trade policies of the EU have not followed the simple pattern of international free trade. EU trade policies have exhibited a special type of managed liberalization for the past fifteen years (Axtman 1988).
First of all, the EU is attempting to develop free trade areas which are located in each nation. Within this area, members have no tariffs between member states. By using these areas, nations that have joined the EU can export and import efficiently, without any tariffs. All members have made the free trade area to promote free trade (Johnson & Turner 2000).
Secondly, the EU pursues a custom union between member nations. The custom union means free custom between members in trade. Unlike the free trade area, the custom union is an abstract concept. A custom union, as the name implies, needs a general trade policy toward at least third countries. For example, country A makes a promise to country B regarding the excise on a special product. If country A wants trade with another country C, they have to fix the same custom within the Euro-zone. Consequently, they can export the product to other countries at the same price and can also import the same way among these three countries (Johnson & Turner 2000).
Thirdly, the EU aims for a single market. The single European market stands for ‘free movement’ of people, goods, services and capital. This single market brings about more positive integration on Europe. EU members can move the capital, labour and services to another EU nation, so easily without any problems or processes (Deutsch 1999).
Lastly, the final purpose of the EU policy is the economic and monetary union. This is like an enormous single nation. The largest economic and monetary union at present throughout the world is the Euro-zone. In this region, members can use the Euro, which is a single European currency, in their transactions. The Euro is designed to help build the single market. As a consequence of the Euro, the EU makes a profit, for instance citizens and products travel to another region easily, eliminating exchange rate problems, creating a single financial market and protecting against future shocks (Gavin 2001).

참고 자료

Aggarwal, VK & Fogarty, EA 2004, EU trade strategies, Palgrave Macmillan, New York.

Axtman, R 1988, Globalization and Europe, Pinter, London.

Das, BL 1998, An introduction to the WTO agreements, Zed books, London.

Deutsch, KG 1999, The politics of freer trade in Europe, St. Martin’s Press, New York.

Gavin, B 2001, The European Union and globalization, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.

Ghose, AK 2003, Jobs and incomes in a globalizing world, International Labour Organization, London.

Henderson, WO 1962, The genesis of the common market, Frank Cass, London.

Johnson, D & Turner, C 2000, European business, Routledge, New York.

Kaynak, E & Ghauri, PN 1994, Euromarketing, The Haworth Press, New York.

Klein, MW & Goldberg, LS 1992, Current issues in the international economy, Harper Collins College, New York.

Lagos, CD 2000, The importance of the European Union to Australia and the Asia region, Griffith University, Brisbane.

Mayhew, A 1998, Recreating Europe, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Nicoll, SW & Salmon, TC 2001, Understanding the European Union, Longman, London.

Parsons, C 2003, A certain idea of Europe, Cornell University Press, London.

Rumford, C 2002, The European Union, Blackwell, Oxford.

McGiffen, SP 2001, The European Union, Pluto Press, London.

Waites, B 1999, Europe and the third world, St. Martins Press, New York.

Young, S & Kang, M 1991, the single European market and its implications for Korea as an NIE, Chon yang, Seoul.
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