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케네디의 취임연설 영문 summary

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케네디의 취임연설 영문 summary 로 제가 쓴 숙제입니다.




Inaugural Address by John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy, the speaker of the Inaugural Address, was the 35th president of the United States of America. Even though he did not get much support from citizens in the election, he tried to settle chaotic everything down after the fearful war. Through his inaugural address, he states the need of peoples support for overcoming poverty world widely and getting equal rights and peace for everyone. In the address, he requests everyones support for other weak and new nations, suggests a peaceful proposal for the U.S.s adversary, and request support from citizens especially to accomplish his words.
At first, Kennedy emphasizes the U.S.s support for other new and weak nations and freedom through his address. For the old allies who share cultural and spiritual origins with the U.S., he asserts the importance of unity of the allies and the U.S.s support for the allies. As unifying the allies, there is nothing they cannot make. However, if they are divided, there is nothing they can make. So, he stresses the importance of unifying the allies. For new nations, he promises support for their freedom. For the U.S.s sister republics south of its border, the U.S. will newly ally themselves to help them overcome poverty. For the United Nations, he asserts the U.N. needs to prevent other wars and put more efforts to protect new and weak nations. Therefore, Kennedy asserts needs of the U.S.s support for other nations to protect peoples freedom and get out of the fearful war. This support is not for fear of Communists and receiving votes from other nations, but for peoples equal rights and freedom.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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