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영화 D-13에 나타난 정책 결정 과정 분석 레포트 (영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


D-13 (The thirteen days) 영화를 보고 그 영화에 나온 정책결정 과정을
행정학적 관점에서 분석한 것입니다.


# the D-13 is.. (영화에 대한 짧은 이해)
# About Cuba Crisis (쿠바 위기에 대한 사실정리)
# Tendency of the People and relationship between people (등장인물의 성향)
# Process of Decision Making (정책결정과정 분석)
> 1st conference: the serious conflict between Hawks and Moderates
> 2nd conference: free debates and no decision making
> 3rd conference: find better alternative
> 4th Solution: Final solutions - a closed-door talk
> Conclusion
# If, I were (대안제시, 평가)


# ‘D-13’ is the movie which put in the contents regarding the Cuba crisis which happens in 1960s United State. In the D-13, the combat scene does not come out almost. Instead, the movie fixes a focus on the decision-making process for the “Cuba crisis” solving of the elites which happens in the White house
# About Cuba crisis
In 1962, Soviet Union the construct the Middle Distance Nuclear Missile base in Cuba. And United States’ aircraft U-2 discovers the missile and the missile base at Cuba. If the rocket base had been constructed in Cuba, the United States would have entered the strike range of the missile. So the Unites States had to solve the Problem (Cuba crisis)

# Tendency of the People and relationship between people
The person who comes out to D-13 is the people who participate to a decision-making process. Each people of this movie have different thinking. But, they are divided into two appositive types. One is hawks, the other is moderates.
Hawks party is with mainly military authorities (the member of Joint Chiefs of staff) such as General Maxwell Taylor and General Curtis Lemay, Mcgeorge Bundy (Special Assistant to the president), and Deen Rusk (secretary of state). Hawks party presents a military solution. They argue that air strike on Cuba and large scale landing operations which it follows. Namely, hawks party aimed the collapse of Castro regime and war with Soviet Union
Moderate party is with ‘Kenney Brothers (the President and Justice), Kenny O’ Dornel (Special assistant to the president),

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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저작권침해, 명예훼손 등 분쟁 요소 발견 시 고객센터의 저작권침해 신고센터를 이용해 주시기 바랍니다.

해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

파일오류 중복자료 저작권 없음 설명과 실제 내용 불일치
파일의 다운로드가 제대로 되지 않거나 파일형식에 맞는 프로그램으로 정상 작동하지 않는 경우 다른 자료와 70% 이상 내용이 일치하는 경우 (중복임을 확인할 수 있는 근거 필요함) 인터넷의 다른 사이트, 연구기관, 학교, 서적 등의 자료를 도용한 경우 자료의 설명과 실제 자료의 내용이 일치하지 않는 경우

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