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OLED의 소개 및 구조, 특징 등에관한 report (영문).ppt

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
37페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


공학-OLED란 무엇인가?


1. Introduction
2. History
3. Working principle
4. Small molecules OLED
5. Polymer light-emitting diodes
6. pattetnable OLED
7. Backplane technologies
8. OLED structures
9. Advantages
10. Disadvantages
11. Commercial uses


1. Introduction
An organic light-emitting diode, also light emitting polymer and organic electro-luminescence is any light-emitting diode whose emissive electroluminescent layer is composed of a film of organic compounds.

The layer usually contains a polymer substance that allows suitable organic compounds to be deposited. They are deposited in rows and columns onto a flat carrier by a sample “printing” process. The resulting matrix of pixels can emit light of different colors.

Such systems can be used in television screens, computer displays, portable system screens, advertising, information and indication.

OLED is can also be used in lighting sources for general space illumination, and large area light-emitting elements.

OLED is typically emit less light per area than inorganic solid-state based LED is which are usually designed for use as point-light sources.

참고 자료

Organic light emitting diode 논문
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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OLED의 소개 및 구조, 특징 등에관한 report (영문).ppt
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