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영어 에쎄이 Opinion Essay 한국 조기영어교육의 문제점

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영어 에쎄이 Opinion Essay 한국 조기영어교육의 문제점
에쎄이 A4 1페이지 + Presentation Tips 1페이지
다쓰고 케나다인에게 교정받은것
A+받은 자료


Presentation Tips!
Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Body
Ⅲ. Conclusion


In Korea, English education starts at a very young age. Korea is a very competitive society. So, Korean parents think its important for their kids to learn English. However, even though parents believe their childrens English education is important, Korea`s private English education can be bad for the kids, the parents and Korea.
In regards to the children , kid should be kids. They need to play and have fun. People are social and kids grow through social interaction. It is important for kids to spend time with friends and family, and also to exercise. And, youre only young once. Many experiences at a young age are more important than studying.
Second, institutes can provide a poor education. Most institutes only hire caucasian people. So, young students don`t experience the diversity of western culture. Also, the Government standard is a 4-year university degree but it doesnt matter what a foreign teachers major is, so they may be unqualified. Furthermore, foreigners do not need to speak Korean so may not be able to explain difficult problems to students.
Lastly, English education is expensive for parents because private institutes are quite expensive. Since the institutes are privately-owned, they are concerned about making money. It can be a bad investment for parents who want a good education for children. Also, they can be bad for Korea. Most teachers are foreign and very well-paid. Much of the money paid to teachers leaves Korea and goes to foreign countries.

참고 자료



판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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영어 에쎄이 Opinion Essay 한국 조기영어교육의 문제점
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