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한국에서는 진로 발렌타인스를 인수한 Pernod Ricard 라는 유통기업의 중국 침투전략 에 관한 마케팅 분석 논문 (영문)

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최종 저작일
42페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 15,000원 할인쿠폰받기


이 논문은 한국에서는 진로 발렌타인스를 인수한 Pernod Ricard (한국에서는 PRK) 라는 프랑스에 본거를 둔 주류 유통업체의 중국 침투전략을 담았습니다. 주로 마케팅 전략이 중심이며 광고 및 기타 정부나 언론을 상대로 한 부분들도 부각되어 있습니다. 경쟁사인 Diagio (한국의 디아지오 코리아) 와의 경쟁 관계를 통해 비교 분석 하였습니다.


Table of contents

Ⅰ. Abstracts
Ⅱ. Introduction
Company Background
• History
• Recent Issues
Ⅲ. Market & consumer description
Spirit market in Asia
Spirit market in China
• Characteristic of Chinese Consumers
Ⅳ. Strategies to Enter the Chinese market
i) Chivas Regal
ii) Royal Salute
iii) Martell
Target Group
Ⅴ. Growth Strategy in Chinese market
Basic Concept
Localization and Decentralization
Promotion Activities
Treating Counterfeits
Ⅵ. Recommendation
Losing prestige
Limited Distribution Power
Ownership Dispute
Ⅶ. Conclusion
Future Trend



Ⅰ. Abstracts
In the spirit market Pernod Ricard is No.2 in the global market after taking over Allied Domecq supported by Fortune Group. Pernod Ricard’s history indicates M&A could be the best method to expand.

In the process of acquisition, persuading investors is a very tough job for board directors. The board members need to persuade other investors to get sufficient money for the acquisition. Pernod Ricard’s board members prepared ‘pictures and blueprint’ explain why they should invest. Among the ‘pictures and blueprint’, success in Chinese market was a key issue to motivate investors and stakeholders. After getting supported by all stakeholders, finally Pernod Ricard has done successful acquisition.

Pernod Ricard is the number one foreign wine and spirit producer and distributor in China, a fast growing market, and their penetration strategy and expansion strategy were very good models for how to operate company in the new market.

With the slogan ‘Local Roots, Global Reach’, Pernod Ricard established a localized and decentralized business structure. There is a ‘Premiumisation’ strategy under which the company concentrates power on several key brands, and outcome (profit) from key brands will contribute to other brands. When a global company has established localized and centralized structure, some problems may occur, including inefficient communication. To solve that problem, Pernod Ricard implemented ‘Wide-communication’ strategy which is a typical method to build communication network using internet, magazines, agencies, software and regular meetings.

Because of Asian consumer’s behavior, especially Chinese, Pernod Ricard swallowed their pride (In Western countries people treat whiskey, brandy and wine as a work of art, but in Asia, especially in China, it is just alcohol and no more.). They earned more profit in the Asian market, especially in China. Pernod Ricard desperately tried to understand consumer behavior and the result was striking.

In China, Pernod Ricard is a very welcoming company because of its successful promotion. Education and ‘no drinking and driveing’ campaign build good company image among the Chinese consumers.

Now, Pernod Ricard still has some problems to solve for the future. However, the company’s successful story is worthy to be benchmarked.

참고 자료

Reports and Books
Entreprendre No 43 (The magazine for Pernod Ricard shareholders) – Pernod Ricard,
Jan 14, 2004
Entreprendre No 44 (The magazine for Pernod Ricard shareholders) – Pernod Ricard,
July 02, 2004
Entreprendre No 44 (The magazine for Pernod Ricard shareholders) – Pernod Ricard,
Jan 06, 2005
Entreprendre No 46- Special issue for 30th Anniversary (The magazine for Pernod
Ricard shareholders) – Pernod Ricard, July 22, 2005
2003 Annual Report - Prenod Ricard,
2004 Annual Report - Prenod Ricard. July, 2005
2005 1st Quarter Net Sales – Prenod Ricard, May 11, 2005
Product Guide ▪ Port of Wines (List – Price of liquor) - NSLC, May 05, 2005
Business and Financial Press kit, July 26, 2005
Business and Financial Background, Pernod ricard, March 2005
Appendices (T1 2005), Pernod Ricard, January 2005
Wines based aperitifs – Own Brands only (excluding agent brands), IWSR, 2004
Stollchnaya (distributed right in the USA) included in the New Prenod Ricard, IWSR,
Retailer Entry Form -International Wine and Spirit Record,외...
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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