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informative essay- online shopping 영어에세이-온라인쇼핑 (with sources+MLA format)

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informative essay- online shopping 영어에세이-온라인쇼핑 (with sources+MLA format)




I was the person, who didn’t trust the online shopping, and I preferred to shop in the actual market; however, I decided to start shopping through the on line at some point. The first time when I use the website “Ebay” was about two months ago. I heard many good things about “Ebay” from friends so many times, so I had decided to shop online, and I did. However, I was regretted so much right after I made a new decision because there were so many frustrating things happened. After I solved all the problems by undergoing stress, I could start to think about the online shopping. There are many advantages by using websites, but we need to keep our eyes open to avoid become a victim.
In these days, we pretty much can do everything in front of computers. We can order groceries, buy books, read news and shop on line. Even more, we can be alive in house without going outside because if we have a computer and internet connection, we can do everything in home. Also, the variety of item list gets more diverse as time goes. Ebay CEO John Donahoe says, “Consumers have more choices than ever, and they expect more when they shop online today.” (Palmer, par. 6). According to “Shop Online for Everything,” more than a half of U.S. households regularly shop on the web (par.1). This modern technology made our life convenient, like people can save their time and save money on gas (Palmer par. 2). Especially in these days, gas price is increased dramatically, and people are afraid of going to cloud places like a mall because of terrorism. A lot of people prefer to stay in a safe place and save up some money. “Maybe that hour of shopping is the hour you could be on the treadmill or getting the house organized. It cuts into the quality of life.” (Palmer, par. 3). That’s why the rate of online customer is increasing steadily. (Holahan par. 7).

참고 자료

Holahan, Catherine. “Ebay Courts ‘Power Sellers’.” Business Week Online Jan. 2008: 9-9. EBSCOhost.<www.ebscohost.com>.
Palmer, Kimberly. “Shop Online for Everything.: U.S News & World Report Dec. 2007: 61-61. EBSCOhost. <www.ebscohost.com>.
Van Noort, Guda, Peter Kerkhof, and Bob M. Fennis. “Onlinr Versus Conventional Shopping: Consumer’s Risk Perception and Regulatory Focus.” CyberPsychology & Behavior Oct. 2007: 731-733. Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. 28 Mar. 2008 <www.ebscohost.com>.
Vijayan, Jaikumar. “Security Concerns Cloud Online Shopping.” Computerworld Dec. 2005:8-8 Academic Search Premier. EBSCOhost. 28 Mar. 2008 <www.ebscohost.com>.
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informative essay- online shopping 영어에세이-온라인쇼핑 (with sources+MLA format)
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