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남한과 북한의 경계에 대한 영작(essay)입니다.
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단어수는 827자입니다.
미국대학 글쓰기 수업에서 A 받았습니다. ^^




The Berlin Wall which was the symbol of Cold War between Eastern and Western Germany played a role of the border dividing Germany into two for 28 years. It rose to a height of five meters and 1,400 meters long. While it was regarded as the frontier, hundreds of the innocent citizens were sanctified. By the time of 1989, they became one. Unfortunately, there is still one country in the world divided into North and South, and there are many borders between the two. They are officially called Republic of Korea and Democratic People`s Republic of Korea.
Choson, the former name of Korea, was a colony of Japan. As soon as the United States dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese surrendered themselves. Eventually Korea got liberated from Japan on 15th of August in 1945. However, the delight of the glorious restoration did not remain long enough. As Korea regained its independence, it lost a half of the entire county. Some people lost their friends, and others lost their family or kin. In other words, due to political interference of the two big different countries which were United States of America and the Soviet Union, Korea became divided country into North and South. North Korea was under the control of the Soviet Union. Therefore it had to accept socialism. On the other hand, South Korea was under the dominion of U.S. Therefore, South Korea naturally became democratic nation. Having international Cold War between U.S. and the Soviet Union, one country miserably was bisected. Between North and South, there is still a boundary officially named the Military Demarcation Line. (MDL).

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