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LAHSO - Land and hold short operations


Land and hold short operations

A. Types of LAHSO
1. LAHSO of Intersecting Runway
2. LAHSO of Intersecting Taxiway
3. LAHSO of Point on Runway

B. the requirements of LAHSO
1. The minimum requirements
2. Weather minimums required for LAHSO
3. The minimum runway requirements

C. LAHSO-General
D. LAHSO-Situational Awareness
E. LAHSO-Night
F. LAHSO-Wet Runways


Land and Hold Short Operations (or LAHSO (pronounced "La-So") is an Aeronautical term referring to a situation in which a landing aircraft is forced to land and hold (stop short and fast) on their runway to avoid collision with another object, or to avoid hazardous conditions on the runway.The name for this category of procedures was previously SOIR (Simultaneous Operations on Intersecting Runways), but the guidelines for LAHSO incorporates all of the SOIR definitions and expands upon them now.

A. Types of LAHSO
There are three main types of LAHSO. Each figure shows the approximate location of LAHSO markings, signage, and in-pavement lighting when installed.
1. LAHSO of Intersecting Runway : In this LAHSO, a landing plane is instructed to land and hold on their runway before the intersection of it and another runway, which will have another aircraft taking off or landing when they arrive.

2. LAHSO of Intersecting Taxiway : In this LAHSO, a landing plane is instructed to land and hold on their runway before the intersection of it and a Taxiway, which will have other aircraft taxiing for landing or takeoff when they arrive.

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