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향수의 역사 (영문: A History of Perfume)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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미국유학중에 쓴 레포트입니다.




A History of Perfume

The human use of scents, aromas and fragrances has its origins lost in ancient times. Why, when and how people first started to prepare them may never be known, but archeological findings, early written texts and oral tradition show that the history of aromas goes deep back in time. Early civilizations offered scent flowers, herbs and resins in worship of their Gods. When burned, some plants released stronger aromas and scented smoke fires became part of religious rituals, a mystical mean of communication between heaven and earth, a tradition followed by many religions until present day. When looking back into history, many agree that the Egyptians, during Queen Sheba s rule, were the first to incorporate perfume into their culture. From the religious ceremonies involving the burning of incense to the embalming of the dead, perfume was an integral part of Egyptian life. Even scents like myrrh were considered more valuable than gold. In the Bible, one of the Three Wise Men brought this as a gift to the newborn Christ. But perfume did not only linger in spiritual ceremonies: the Egyptians were also the first to anoint their bodies with the scents of cinnamon and honey. Depicted on the walls of the temple of Edfu, one can also see the depiction of the art of floral extraction as perfume is distilled from the flowers of the white Madonna lily. This essential accessory was reserved mostly for the powerful and the wealthy. Both men and women alike wore the precious scents. With the death of the mystical Cleopatra, so also died the Egyptian grandeur and appreciation of beauty. For thousands of years perfumes had been used widely as an integral part of their culture even though almost all of the herbs and flowers were from abroad, from Palestine, Persia, India, and Arabia.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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