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롯데리아 마켓팅 플렌

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
44페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


롯데리아를 싱가폴로 가지고 가는 마켓팅 계획안 입니다
싱가폴로 롯데리아를 가지고 갔을때의 성공요인 부터 모든것이 다 들어있습니다
영문으로 되어있고요


Table of contents
Executive Summary
The Situation Environs
The Neutral Environs
The Competitor Environs
Company Environs
The Target Market
Marketing objectives and Goals
Marketing Strategy
Marketing Tactics


Executive Summary
The marketing plan is developed based on Lotteria philosophy and mission statement which is to provide best quality products and services in a cleanness environment to everyone on suitable time.
Established in 1979, Lotteria is now the leader of Korean`s fast food industry. Lotteria can be considering as a follower of McDonald. Both of this fast food chain offer similar products and service. The Lotteria menu features typical fast food items like burger, fried chicken, French fries, snack, dessert, salad and drinks. The real success and attraction is come from the excellent product and service provided by the staff. To achieve that Lotteria has always practice its philosophy and core values in the daily operation.
Lotteria is going to develop the new market in Singapore. Lotteria is entering to Singapore market as a famous Korean fast food chain which offers varieties of products that mainly targeting on Asian people. Basically, Lotteria is similar to other fast food chains however company has distinctive products which include rice-burgers, pumpkin salad and red bean ice sherbet that other fast food chains don`t have. Furthermore, the new destination, Singapore, is one of the wealthiest countries, which is the international hub of Asia with a stable politic and economy environment. Recently, the `Korean Wave` is popular in Singapore which leads to the increasing demand on Korean product and cuisine.
The entry of Lotteria will enhance and bring a relatively new dining experience to Singaporean. Since Lotteria is first time enter Singapore market, the brand awareness is relatively low and there is limited contact with local media. To overcome these difficulties, Lotteria will hire local marketing research agencies. Lotteria aim to use its unique products (Korean style fast food) as a tool to outstand from the other competitors. The overall marketing strategy is to create brand awareness and penetrate into the market in a designated timeframe. In order to maintain its competitive advantage, Lotteria will launch new product regularly. Despite the regularly launch of new product, Lotteria will also focus on maximize customer satisfaction, which is important in establish long-run customer preferences.

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