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로미오와 줄리엣 영어극본 (각색)

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로미오와 줄리엣 1:1 대화시 대화내용은 원래 극본에서 발췌하여 현대판으로 바꾼내용입니다




Romeo & Juliet
< 등장인물 >
Romeo :
Juliet :
Narrator :
Mercutio(Romeo사촌) :
Romeo`s friend 1 :
Romeo`s friend 2 :
Romeo`s friend 3 :
Juliet`s friend 1 :
Juliet`s friend 2 :
Tybalt(Juliet사촌) :
Tybalt`s friend 1 :
Tybalt`s friend 2 :
Friar Laurence :
Romeo`s friend 1 : Hey, Romeo! What`s going on? You look so tired.
Romeo : Rosaline doesn`t love me anymore.
Romeo`s friend 1 : (얼굴을 구기며) What a bad case of love! Just forget her! She doesn`t love you, doesn`t she?
Romeo :But I can`t forget her.
Romeo`s friend 1 : Just let him go! What a foolish guy! Ah, do you know we have dance party next week?
Romeo`s friend 2 : (기대에 찬 표정) Where is there?
Romeo`s friend 1 : Lord`s birthday in Capulet`s. I think it will be very grand party. Maybe there will be so many pretty ladies in all of cities.
Romeo`s friend 2 : Wow. I really want to go there. I have to quit my lonely life without my sweetheart. But the important thing is we, Montague people can`t go there.
Romeo`s friend 1 : Um, you are right. But, this party is a mask dance party. We can hide our face nobody can`t know who we are.
Romeo`s friend 2 : Romeo, are you going to join there?
Romeo : Well, I don`t know.
Narrator1 : It is the place for Capulet`s party. There are many people dancing. Romeo is coming there.
Romeo : Where is my Rosaline?(갑자기 Juliet을 발견하고) Wow, who is she? She is such a beautiful lady.
Romeo`s friend 1 : Who?
Romeo`s friend 2 : Ah! She is Juliet, the daughter of Capulet‘s family. She can`t be made with you.

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