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[영어작문/영어 에세이/영어 일기] 영어논문작성 A+ 자료

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5페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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영어논문작성 과목 A+ 받은 자료입니다.
다섯 편의 영어 에세이로 구성되어있습니다.


1. The Characteristics of a Good Leader

2. The ways of voluntary service for seniors

3. Owning books

4. Waiting for the summer vacation!

5. Wedding; it is a feeling of happiness but quite a hard work


From the old time to the present days, there have been many societies consisted of many groups. Some societies has been survived from severity of history, but some societies could not make it. Why do some societies survive and others not? Of course, there are many reasons but I think one important reason is the existence or nonexistence of a good leader.

Everybody wants to be a wise and good leader and people who belong to the societies hope to find he or she, but it is not easy to be and to find. Because the leader, especially respectable leader, has important but hard to get some features.

First of all, I think a good leader have to keep a non-reigning leadership. It is natural that every leaders have their own ways to lead people. There are charismatic leaders like Margaret Thatcher or the opposite types are also in existence and its typical leader is the Pope. But I think the best one is the leader who has harmonious leadership. He or she who possesses this virtue can make each member of society be united with no coercion.

Second characteristic is that a worthy leaders should have many superior brain trusters around themselves. There are no perfect human in personal, intellectual, and physical aspects. No matter how the leader is well educated, bright, and almost all-around person, but still he or she is imperfect

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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