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미국 초기시 early poetry in america

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최종 저작일
7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


미국 초기시에 대한 분석입니다. 현대시의 기조인 이미지즘(imagism)이 초기시에서도 발견될 수 있음을 emerson과 longfellow의 예를 들어서 설명한 영문레포트입니다. 많은 도움 되시길 바랍니다.


early poetry in america
imagism and earlier findings
work cited


“The Rhodora” definitely seems to fail the third criterion of imagist poems, for it does not generate musical rhythm, nor strictly follows the traditional sequence of the metronome even, creating more of prosaic nuance than verse. Be that as it may, it seems to satisfy the first category in light that it is dealing with the flower rhodora, and especially the earlier lines of the poem consist of description of environment surrounding it and with rich use of color and image-shaping words. It does not, though, either completely fail or meet the second standard. Words used in the first half of the poem absolutely build up the presentation of concrete images, whereas the second half does not truly reflect the adoption of descriptive

참고 자료

1) Beach, Christopher (2003). The Cambridge Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Poetry. Cambridge University Press, 100.
2) Aldington, Richard. Life For Life`s Sake (The Viking Press, 1941).


판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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