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부시와 클린턴의 대북정책 비교

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16페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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Comparison of Bush and Clinton Foreign Policy towards North Korea.
The comparison between Clinton and Bush - Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism
differences of clinton and bush.


U.S foreign policy has been changed after Bush administration. It has been more conservative than Clinton administration’s foreign policy. I would like to know what makes the differences between Clinton administration and Bush administration. I will compare Bushs foreign policy with Clintons.
foreign policy and think about the reason that changed U.S foreign policy. And among many U.S foreign policy issues, I will mainly focus on their basic foreign policies and their foreign policy toward North Korea.
Presidential Address - North Korea
The comparison between Clinton and Bush - Unilateralism vs. Multilateralism
President Bushs campaign statements were characterized by a strong unilateralism, respect of power based on realism, and pursuit of national interest. Right after Bush took office many worried that he would pursue strong unilateralism, irritating many countries that have been contented with Clintons foreign policy approach because Bush and many Republicans have condemned Clintons assertive multilateralism publicly. They thought Clintons multilateralism has degenerated Americas energies as a union leader. But these aspects seem to be softened as time goes on, at least in pursuing unilateralism. Bush has started understanding the need to consult with partners, to achieve American goals over the long term with patience. As a result, it seems the Bush administrations unilateralism has tempered by bilateral and multilateral discussions where needed.
On the one hand, Bush will quite naturally try to shape international developments leading the worlds sole superpower. But on the other hand, pragmatism will make Bush conduct foreign policy in a more consultative manner. We can see this pragmatism at two important levels; Great Power consultations and understandings, as in intensified U.S.- Russia,

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