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베네수엘라, 베트남, 콩고공화국에 대한 직접투자를 위한 정보.
영문 레포트이며 A 받았습니다.


1. Venezuela
- ① Government Analysis
- ② Leagal System Analysis
- ③ Economy Analysis

2. Vietnam
- ① Government Analysis
- ② Leagal System Analysis
- ③ Economy Analysis

3. Democratic Republic of the Congo
- ① Government Analysis
- ② Leagal System Analysis
- ③ Economy Analysis

4. Conclusion


① Government Analysis
1) President Chavez
President Chavez has been in charge as the president of Venezuela since 1999. President Chavez is trying to settle up their own socialism in Venezuela. He has gotten the power to settle up new laws just by declaring by himself which is called Ley Habilitante. The power is applied to him for 18months.
2) Government Stability
Since President Chavezs power is becoming solid, the government stability is becoming better. However there still are some problems. Political opponents of President Chavez are still existing. Of course it is normal to have political opponents, however they could take violent action which would be the problem. President Chavez actually had hard time for about 3years from late 2001.
3) Nationalization
President Chavez is nationalizing tele-communication companies and electronic companies. RCTV, one of the historical private managed broadcast corporate in Venezuela,

참고 자료

1. KOTRA(www.kotra.org)
2. www.globalwindow.org
3. Encyclopedia in Naver(www.naver.com)
4. IMF(www.imf.org)
5. UN(www.un.org)
6. World Bank(www.worldbank.org)
7. General Statistics of Vietnam(www.gso.gov.vn)

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