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problem of Korea education and solution to it.

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


It talks about some weakness of Korea education
and solution to it, like what we should work on to
improve those weakness.
우리나라 교육의 현실태 그리고 우리가 고쳐할 점에
대해 간단히 정리


Title: current situation of Korea education system

Thesis Statement: Despite some alternative plan to Korea education system, there are still some problems to be solved.
Plan of Development: such problems are poor educational environment, unreliable public education and lack of practical lesson.

I. Topic Sentence: poor educational environment is obstacle to the further development of Korea’s education system

II. Topic Sentence: Korea’s public education has some weakness that many depend on private education or studying abroad.

III. Topic Sentence: Korea do not offer much practical education that could be very helpful in training future brain.
Conclusion: All society members should try to have correct understanding about education.


In this 21st century, it is not exaggeration to say that nation`s competitive power depends on quality of human resource. There are many ways to advance manpower however among all, education is believed to be most important and effective. For these reasons Korea government like other countries put a lot of effort into development of education system. Nevertheless there are endless debate on problems of Korea education. In other word, Despite some alternative plans to Korea education system there are still some problems to be solved. Major affairs are poor educational environment ,unreliable public education, and lack of practical lesson.

First, poor educational environment is obstacle to the further development of Korea’s education system. As time goes by, there has been a lot of changes and moves to improve standard

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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탑툰 이벤트
problem of Korea education and solution to it.
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