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William Shakespeare - Sonnet 18

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William Shakespeare - Sonnet 18
시 소개, 감상평, 설명 (해석)


Sonnet 18
★Sonnet 18 Rhyme Scheme, Stanza Scheme, and Meaning
★Literary elements


★Sonnet 18 Rhyme Scheme, Stanza Scheme, and Meaning

First Stanza (ABAB)
A Shall I compare thee to a summer`s day?
[If I compared you to a summer day]
B Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
[I`d have to say you are more beautfiul and serene:]
A Rough winds do shake the darling buds of may,
[By comparison, summer is rough on budding life,]
B And summer`s lease hath all too short a date:
[And doesn`t last long either:]

Second Stanza (CDCD)
C Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
[At times the summer sun (heaven’s eye) is too hot,]
D And often is his gold complexion dimm`d;
[And at other times clouds dim its brilliance;]
C And every fair from fair sometime declines,
[By comparison, summer is rough on budding life,]
D By chance, or nature`s changing course untrimm`d;
[And doesn`t last long either:]

Third Stanza (EFEF)
E But thy eternal summer shall not fade
[However, you yourself will not fade]
F Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;
[Nor lose ownership of your fairness;]
E Nor shall Death brag thou wander`st in his shade,
[Not even death will claim you,]
F When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:
[Because these lines I write will immortalize you:]

Couplet (GG)

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