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rain man 레인맨 영문 독후감

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
1페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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학교에서 과제로 썻던 독후감인데
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그래도 필요하신 분들 많이 다운 받아주세요




This book’s title is ‘Rain Man’, and written by Leonore Fleischer. This book is fiction, surely, and the plot is about brothers in America and after read the book, I feel that blood is thicker than water. This story’s beginning is the death of the man. One day, Charlie answers the phone, and he listens to the death of his father. He goes back his home, and he thinks about relationship between him and his father. His father is the rich, but he turns over only an old car and roses in the garden to him, and the father turns over three million dollars to another person, so Charlie is very nervous. He begins to search the person. Finally, he finds the person in the mental hospital. He knows that the man is his older brother, but he doesn’t know him, totally. He abducts his older brother for money, and Charlie gets into trouble because his older brother has a mental problem, so Charlie is tired and nervous.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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rain man 레인맨 영문 독후감
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