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International Business Management

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
27페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


영문자료 입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Brazil: Market Entry Analysis
1. Market Analysis
2. Competitor/Industry Analysis
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Strategic Goal and Business Strategy
5. Mode of Entry
6. Marketing Mix
7. Structure of the organisation
8. Measurement and control
9. Vision

III. Conclusions

IV. Bibliography

V. Assumption Appendix

VI. Appendices


Executive Summary
This report is a market entry analysis conducted to assist Go Go Eco(GGE) to make decision for its market entry to the Brazilian market.

Market Analysis
The market analysis identified that the Brazilian market is an attractive market for GGE in terms of the market size. The environmental technologies and services market is the biggest agri-engineering market in Brazil and service such as wastewater management is proved to be a golden opportunity for GGE who is a specialist in this area.

In addition, the market segmentation shows that more than half of the manufacturing facilities in Brazil are located in Sao Paolo and consequently Sao Paolo is the state that produces highest level of wastewater. In addition, government has passed law that makes activities hazardous to the environment a criminal offence – this provides another rationale for GGE to enter the market.

Competitor Analysis
Research shows that there are approximately 16 agri-engineering companies that specialise in wastewater management in Brazil. In addition, 8 companies are located in Sao Paolo. As such, these 8 companies are direct competitors to GGE if GGE is to enter the Sao Paolo market. Competitor analysis has been carried out and the outcome shows that Super Bac,

참고 자료

Brazil Market Research 2005, Urban Waste Segment in Brazil, retrieved 1 May 2007, <www2.focusbrazil.org.br/siteusa/reports/Industry%20Reports/Urban%20Waste%20Segment%20in%20Brazil.pdf>
Casey, P. 2003, Hybrid Sequencing Batch Reactors – volume 4, retrieved 2 May 2007, <http://www.nesc.wvu.edu>
Centroprojekt-Brasil 2007, Company, retrieved 1 May 2007, <http://www.centroprojekt-brasil.com.br/fr_empresa_e.htm>
Country Analysis Briefs 2003, Brazil: Environmental Issues, retrieved on 1 May 2007, <www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/brazenv.pdf>
Cravens, D. W. & Piercy N. F. 2003, Strategic Marketing, 7th edn, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Chemicals Management 2007. Retrieved on 9 May 2007
Dynamic Aqua Science 2007, Company Profile, retrieved 1 May 2007, <http://www.dasbrasil.com.br/clientes_i.htm>
Eco Services International 2007, Green Pages, retrieved 30 April 2007, <http://www.eco-web.com/index/category/5.8.html>
Fernando C.F. 2007, P2 Partners

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