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[인문]Psychological conflict of ‘The Turn of the Screw’

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/워드파일 MS워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. About the Governess
2. Appearances of the ghosts.
3. About the desire of the Governess
4. About un-arrival letter


2. Appearances of the ghosts.
Ghost only see to the Governess. First, she saw a man-Quaint- who stands top of the tower. Next she saw the ghost at the end of stair. Next she saw him who stands outside of the windows. Gradually the distance between her and ghost is getting closed, after all he comes in to the house. At this point, we should think about some sort of things. When she met Quaint, Miles became an intermediary, when she met the Miss Jessel, Flora became an intermediary. Here, we can know the imagination of Governess making the being of ghost. Because she always thinks that is a ghost’s effect when she saw the children’s strange behaviors. Children do what he or she wanting to do. However her notion makes the being of ghost. At the same time, we should think about the place she met the ghost. At first, ghost is so far from her standing. So she can not discern what it is. It has an indefiniteness it is a real being or not. The next place is a window. Window is a intermediation between inside and outside. But the w

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[인문]Psychological conflict of ‘The Turn of the Screw’
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