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테일러의 과학적관리기법(테일러리즘) 에 관한 리포트입니다.


List of References



Early 20th century, companies in United States have a growing interest in raising the productivity. As companies grow, capital was getting accumulated. But they were in trouble in a shortage of labor. Hence, the basic purpose of management was efficient using of existing manpower.
Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915) who is called “The father of Management” was absorbed to find the solution about these kinds of matters.
His work “The Principle of Scientific Management” which is published in 1911 is a fine book worthy of the name of a classic.
Its contents became widely accepted by managers around the world. The book described the theory of scientific management: the use of scientific methods to define the ‘one best way’ for a job to be done. ( Robbin, 2006, p45)
In this essay, I will discuss who Taylor was, merits and demerits of scientific management and according to McDonald’s case, find out how Taylor’s scientific management is using these days.

참고 자료

1.Claude S. George, Jr. 1972. The history of management thought second edition. Prentice-hall, INC.
2.Daniel A. Wren, Ronald G. Greenwood. 1998. Management Innovators. Oxford University Press.
3.Frederick W. Taylor. 1911. Principle of Scientific Management. Harper and Bros.
4.Joseph Buchan, Ernest Koenigsberg. 1963. Scientific Inventory Management. Prentice-hall, INC.
5.L. Urwick. 1956. The golden book of management. Newman Neame Limited.
6.Stephen Robbins, Rolf Bergman, Ian Stagg, Mary Coulter. 2006. Management fourth edition. Pearson Education Australia
7. http://www.goodteacher.org
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