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[서평]영화 Their eyes were watching God 영어서평

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,500원 할인쿠폰받기


조라 닐 허스튼의 소설을 원작으로
2005년 할리베리가 주인공으로 영화화 된
Their eyes were watching God 영어서평입니다.
무조건 A+ 받은 레포트만 올립니다.




Oprah Winfrey said she made this film because she was really impressed by the

book written by Zora Neale Huston. I think this story is about a woman`s life who

really wanted to find herself by having a relationship with others, especially the

men. The woman named Janie is the main character of this movie and the story is

progressing through the three men she married with her flashback.

The life of Janie was transformed into four stages. Each stage reveals the features

of her husband and the change of her life. By sixteen, she was a adorable child.

After she kissed with Johny, she married her first husband Logan. During that

marriage, she kept working. Logan represented traditional hardworking farmer who

had big farm. There were no love and enthusiasm. The second stage was with Joe

Starks. He promised her to give a new life. He treated her as a precious woman

but after he got higher status, he forced her to obey him. Joe represented rich and

ambitious man in authority. He acted like dominant white man and didn‘t want to

lose his power in every part even in Janie. He didn`t seem to love Janie as a

person. At this stage, Janie seemed to be deprived all her freedom. She might have

money and fame, but her heart was empty. She couldn`t play with other villagers,

she was getting lonely.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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