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[인문]HIV/AIDS Prevention or Treatment (Antiretralviral therapy)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Sub-Saharan Africa 를 포함 한 개발도상국에서의 심각한 국가적 문제를 초래하고 있는 에이즈에 관한 영문으로 쓴 보고서 입니다. free drug을 공급하는 치료쪽과 에이즈 예방쪽의 양쪽의 입장을 다루고 결론은 예방쪽에 비중을 두는 것이 국가적으로 이익이라는 내용입니다. (Economic in less developed countries 수업 시간에 제출하고 A 받은 에세이입니다.)




The number of HIV/AIDS cases continues to rise in developing countries. Sub-Saharan Africa is the worst effected region where HIV/AIDS is considered as a state emergency. ... No cure for AIDS is known. Researchers are working on preventative AIDS vaccines, but none are expected to be ready for market in the near future. Meanwhile, antiretrival (ARV) drug therapy, introduced in the mid-1990, is one of the most effective treatment methods. It increases survival, decreases opportunistic infections, and decreases the number of hospitalizations. Although anti-retral viral drugs have been effective in controlling for some patients, making a law that would enable all HIV positive citizens to obtain ARV drugs involves a lot of risk. This issue to be discussed based on four perspectives: (1) the poverty; (2) the budget related problem; (3) the priority of benefit; and, (4) the public health service. Finally, I will discuss about prevention for HIV. In my opinion, we should emphasis on prevention, since it is highly cost effective, rather than treatment.

참고 자료

1. Canning, David. The Economics of HIV/AIDS in Low-Income Countries: The Case for Prevention
2. World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific (2005). Poverty Issues Dominate WHO Regional Meeting
3. Avert is an International AIDS Charity. HIV and AIDS in Botswana


판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[인문]HIV/AIDS Prevention or Treatment (Antiretralviral therapy)
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