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[영작 에세이]Protect our island : Dokdo

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


영작문 독도에 대한 에세이
참고문헌 많음 5개 이상
3차 revision 거쳤음




In April fourth 2006, Japanese government announced, a Japanese marine surveying ship was planning to research a contested range of islets including Dokdo. The provocation from the Japanese irritated Korean government. Even though Japaneses insist Dokdo as their territory by calling Dakeshima, its Japanese name, Dokdo belongs to Korea. Korean Navy has protected Dokdo since a few decades ago. Some Koreans, sung do Kim and Sin yeul Kim, have also registered in Dokdo. Now we have three questions to be solved: Firstly why should Dokdo be part of Korean? Secondly, why does Japanese provoke a quarrel to Korean about Dokdo? Thirdly, How can we confirm that Dokdo is ours? We can look at many different sides about Dokdo problem, particularly in the aspects of history, economy and diplomacy.

Let’s check the first question. What are the apparent evidences that prove Dokdo is ours? Both countries, Korea and Japan, have historical evidences about Dokdo. However, many evidences have been proved that Korea gained Dokdo earlier than Japan in historical literatures. According to <Sam-Kook-Sa-Ki> in 512, Sa-Bu Lee of the Sinla kingdom conquered the Woo-San-Kook, presently Dokdo. Even in history of Goryeo, there is exact fact that Dokdo had been belonged to Goryeo. On the other hand, Japan could not find the earlier historical literature. The only thing that they could find is a historical literature that the Ryanc Crew of Fance found the island and named Dakesima in 1849

참고 자료

1) <싸움은 이미 시작됐다.> 박영철 기자
2) <일본, 한국전쟁 때 혼란 틈타 독도에 상륙> 박영철 기자
3) <일본, 어업협정 교두보로 분쟁 확대 노려> 제성호(중앙대 법학 교수)
News Maker(May 2,2006)
4) <아베는 제2의 이토 히로부미?> 김경은 기자
5) <한국의 실효지배 저지 나섰다.> 호사카 유지 (세종대 일본학 교수)
6) <조용한 외교로는 안되네> 김경은 기자
News week (May 8,2006)
7) < A New Kind of Pride>
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영작 에세이]Protect our island : Dokdo
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