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My dream(나의꿈)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


나의꿈에 대한 수필 형식




Was child who there are a lot of dreams from that I am young. Because there were a lot of curiositys, it was really much that want to try. When I am second-year student in primary school, homeroom teacher was personage who standpoint to imitate is really many. So, pledged that I should am good teacher looking at the teacher. There is no work which is easy as world everything is all. However, do I pledge for should become teacher and how long year passed ?
It is that I.M.F bursts. So, preferred much job which is teacher among public official as long as is stable and unfolds all, and the door narrowed gradually as scarcity occurs to job for teacher. Still, I got mind sometimes `Will try.`, but had given up me who patience did not exist immediately. Later, another dream occurred. It sleeps performance plan. There are many people who drop greasy sweat behind nice and splendid performance and tries for the moment. Audiences who see the performance see performance that I prepare taking trouble although do not know it and I wanted to see image that many people enjoy. So, was fallen deeply to attractive job which grow performance plan reading borrowing book about the job from school library naturally, and does hydrogen literature here and there. Spring smell discipline May be . Practice teacher teacher who come out practice teaching without breach came to see school. More affection felt in thinking which practice teacher teacher was target of our envy, and is elder who finishes our school besides as was always so. There was a familiar teacher among them, received much course sales talk to the teacher.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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