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영어작문 - 비교글쓰기

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최종 저작일
3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기




I am very flighty person where I lose and damage my stuffs very easily. Even few days ago, when I was fooling around with my friends, I broke my cell-phone by mistake. Honestly, I wanted to change my old cell-phone, so I pretended to be upset by appearance but I was smiling internally. Anyway, for several reasons I decided to write about cell-phones in this essay. I am going to differentiate between S and L in this essay. I am living in a dormitory so I am not able to watch TV. Therefore, it is mandatory to have a DMB (portable TV) function. Also, I am very interested in photos nowadays. I was considering to buy a digital camera, but it was too expensive. Therefore, if I choose a cell-phone which has camera on it, then I can satisfy both of my wants.

To find the similarities of S and L in the first place, both of them contains hard disks. S has capacity of 8GB so it can store about 1600 songs. L has capacity of 1GB where it can store about 200songs. Both of them has multi-tasking function where you can write messages and talk while listening to musics and taking pictures. Also, there are Bluetoothe function where you can talk on the phone conveniently while walking or even driving. And of course they have cameras. S has 200pixel and L has 130 pixel. Both of them has DMBs but S has more various functions. You can reserve to watch certain program, and if you connect it with a computer to watch it in full screen.

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