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Korean unification

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


한국 통일에 관한 Argumentative essay입니다.
외국인 선생님께 수정받아 2nd Draft를 거쳤습니다.
9.5/10점 받았구요.




There are a few countries that need to reunify, and Korea is one of these

countries. Reunification is an important issue for all Koreans, and it is not only a

contemporary issue but is also a historical and international problem. Fierce fights

between the Soviet Union and the United States resulted in 1953 the truce line, which

divided Korea into two halves. However, nowadays, South Korea and North Korea have

been meeting each other more than ever. There are strong arguments for a united Korean

state to come into being in the future. South and North Korea have the same ethnic and

historical identity. In addition, a united Korea’s domestic economy would receive a boost

and, also, could be a more powerful actor on the international stage.

It is a fact that South and North Korean people have the same ethnic and

historical identity. Even though South and North Korea, now, are separated into halves by

the truce line, they were originally one nation and, also, they have shared the same history

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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