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[영어essay]About King Lear and the characters

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


세익스피어의 의 작품을 분석하고 작품속의 주인공에 대한 본인의 개인적인 입장을 영어 essay로 씀. 인터넷의 떠도는 자료가 아닌 영문학 수업을 통해서 배운 것을 바탕으로 작성했습니다. 원어민교수의 탈고를 거친 문서입니다.




I read King Lear and now I`ll make a essay containing my view.
Well, What`s 『King Lear』?
King Lear is one of chief tragedies of Shakespeare. Shakespeare, English dramatist, seems to present disordered and destroyed value at that time in this work. Because both the situation then and the play, King Lear, has a lot of value-conflict. The play shows several different characters. The characters have each different idea and value. King Lear and Gloucester who are the symbol of authoritarians with Feudal thought, while they show the limitation of Feudalism. King Lear who was betrayed by his two daughters, desiring only the property of hers fathers, confront the limitation of Feudalism. I think the misery that Lear suffered comes from his lack of insight, obduracy, senility and guilt. which couldn`t recognize. It makes me feel bad.
Lear asks his daughters to talk about love for himself. And he says that he`ll give more his property for a daughter who more loves him, Lear.
What would be this unless this was the abuse of authority?
Together, Gloucester got deceived by Edmond. So, he misunderstood his kind Edgar. The result, both Lear and Gloucester suffered big pain because of their unwise dogmatism. The two daughters who gave their father the big pain was Regan and Gerneril. Then, What symbols do they mean? Gerneril and Regan, Lear`s daughters, and Edmund, Gloucester`s bastard,

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[영어essay]About King Lear and the characters
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