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[영작]장기매매에 대한 찬반의견(영어작문 에세이)

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2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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대학영어 리포트입니다. 쉽게 영작해서 읽어보면 무슨내용인지 다 아실겁니다!!




Opinion about legalization is approval in my internal organ transaction. Of course, I talk internal organ transaction of region or after one`s death that is no hindrance in own life. Selling organs is illegal a very good proposition. As"habeas corpus" said, my body belong to me, and I should be free to do whatever I want with it, even selling parts of it . The actual message is "better starve to death if you are poor than selling a kidney in order to survive" while the gift of the same  organ by a family member is regarded as beautiful and altruistic. This is a double standard.
Internal organ transaction can not avoid anyway. Because it is good work to all of the people that sells or buys. And because demand is much greater than supply of internal organs. Must improve method rightly if can not avoid. Internal organ transaction of the Korea is unlawfulness yet. While internal organ transaction is country that is legalized openly partially, the Korea is unlawfulness yet. Internal organ transaction our society of `Necessary evil` think. In the China so that our country person lives that unlawfulness internal organ transplant receive and suffers from great sequela preferably or dies a person have. Because things which do this way is bought and sell viscera unlawfully. If a dying one person undergoes kidney transplant soon, can be enough healthy. However, a person who contribute kidney is absent a person.

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