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[영작감상문]You touched me

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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I had thought that love comes in unconscious state. After seeing Hadrian, I consider how sensible touch important to love each other. Before 2 years, I had read touch gives occasion to good impression to human in a journal. Hadrian feels strangely love to his sister in law against gap of the age- her sister 10 year older than him, her appearance-not beautiful and class organization. I think he loves her in veracity after emotional radically change by touching because it is written in p344 that he doesn`t want her for the money. I take this fact that love comes first emotional not physical. Touch bring into emotional change about Matilda. In my experience, I couldn`t keep physical love for a long time. I think it`s not love but just good feeling.
It seems, in this novel, that the money plays leading part in everything. that is, They are ruled materialistic thinking. I think love hasn`t relation deeply to money. But it is different some to characters in this novel. They are probably controlled by money. Hadrian think he could not do with Matilda, without the money. If Matilda has no money, does Hadrian want to marry her? I think its answer is "NO" . In reality, If I fall in love with someone, I couldn`t receive him my husband.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[영작감상문]You touched me
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