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[영어학]Language file 4.6 Sound Substitution and Phonotactic Constrains

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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4.6 Sound Substitution and Phonotactic Constrains (p134~135)
4.6 Sound Substitution and Phonotactic Constrains 번역


4.6 Sound Substitution and Phonotactic Constrains (p134~135)

4.6.1 Sound Substitutions

● Not all sound system are the same, as we discovered in conducting phonemic analyses of different languages
-Some languages have fewer or more phonemes or allophones than English does.
e.g.) ① French speakers often pronounce English.
this [ðis] ---> [zis]
thin [θin] ---> [sin]
② the pronunciation of German by some speakers of English.
Bach /bax/ ---> [bak]
lebkuxen /lebkuxen/ ----> [lekukən] , [lebkuhən]

● Sound substitution : a process whereby sound that already exist in a language are used to replace sounds that do not exist in the language when borrowing or trying to pronounce a foreign word.

4.6.2 Phonotactic Constraints

● In every language there are restrictions on the kinds of sound and sound sequences possible in different position in words.

● Phonotactic Constraints : restrictions on possible combinations of sounds.

e.g.) ① English allows up to three consonants to start a word, provided the first is /s/, the second /p/, /t/, /k/, and the third /l/, /r/, /y/ /w/.

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[영어학]Language file 4.6 Sound Substitution and Phonotactic Constrains
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