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[경제원론]Canadian economic history

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14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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I. Introduction
II. The Economic Necessity for the Canals
III. Difficulties in Construction
IV. The Economic Implications
V. Conclusion


Canal Building In Upper Canada Prior To 1850
I. Introduction
While most civilizations are founded on histories of conquests, political upheavals, and military conflicts, Canada has been shaped by its geography more than anything else. As a result, frameworks for economic analyses which thrived elsewhere in the West, such as the Marxist philosophy and the monetarist school, have failed to address the specific peculiarities of Canadian economic history. What has instead remained predominant is the focus on economic geography, particularly the Staples Thesis. This school of thought revolved around an analysis of a country’s natural resources as a function of its history.
In the beginning, Canada had already maintained a highly-active trade network where goods such as furs, tools, decorative items, timber, and other commodities were transported throughout the area’s river and lake systems mostly by canoe. Eventually, two significant canal systems were created to address the varying needs of the settlers of Canada. These were the Rideau and the Welland Canals. “The Rideau Canal, a Canadian National Historic Site, a designated Canadian Heritage River and a nominated

참고 자료

“CANADA: A Celebration of Our Heritage Chapter 6: Immigration, Colonial Growth
and Strife: 1815-1841.” Canada Heritage Gallery Webpage. http://www.canadianheritage.org/books/canada6.htm

“Economic history of Canada.”

“1820.” http://home.eznet.net/~dminor/Canal1820.html

“History of the St. Lawrence / Great Lakes Canals System (1783-1954).”

“H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences Online.”

Mackey, Doug. “Ship Canal Planned for North Bay Area Came Close to Realization a
Century Ago.” Heritage Perspectives Webpage. http://www.pastforward.ca/perspectives/june_72002.htm. 2002

“Ontario... most populous province and second largest.”
“Problems and Conflicts.” Rideau Waterway Webpage.
“Rideau Waterway Welcome Page.” Rideau Waterway Webpage.
“Welland Canal.” WorldHistory.com Webpage.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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