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[영작문] abortion

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The legalization of abortion has become an issue for a long time and there is still a heated controversy about it. If we think about abortion, we should consider between mothers’ right and fetuses’ right first. Like this, abortion is closely connected with moral question. The U.S SUPREME COURT’S 1973 decisions, Roe V. Wade and Doe V. Bolton, answered some of the legal questions on the constitutionality of abortion, but the decisions did not resolve the moral question. The moral questions of abortion are difficult, controversial, emotionally laden and often impossible to deal with objectively because people’s values are so strongly involved. Also, Abortion connects with the ethics of life and death so there is unease. The point is whether fetus is a person with an independent existence and some moral right as an adult or not. First look at the definition of abortion, it is the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable, that is, capable of life outside the womb. There are two types of abortion, spontaneous and induced abortion. Spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages, are those, which are not deliberately provoked

참고 자료

- Janet Hadley, 1996, Abortion: Between Freedom and Necessity, Great Britain by Virago Press.
- L.W. Sumner, 1981, Abortion and Moral Theory, Princeton University Press.
- Hyman Rodman Betty Sarvis Joy Walker Bonar, 1987, The Abortion Question, Columbia University Press.


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