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[영작] English teaching for communication

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
2페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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영어쓰기 수업의 에세이 쓰기를 한것입니다. paragraph를 구성한 후 develop한 글입니다.




When we think of the better ways of teaching English to young students, we have to look into our English education conditions and look over the theoretical background. And then we can suggest good idea to renew our English education situations. We traditionally teach English to school students for them to get a good SAT score but we have to think about what should be our English education goal. We also consider what obstacles are we teach English as a communicative purpose. And also we should know that what our English education is wrong. When we try to find the solution of our English education problem, Stephen krahen's experiment gives us a good insight how should we teach English in elementary schools. His experiment indicate that when we teach English for basic communication, we should teach students in environment which is similar to that of native speakers. And teacher's role also will be changed to be a facilitator not a instructor.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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