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[영문학] The Great Gatsby

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최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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native speaker의 검증까지 받은 레포트입니다.


The False Representation in The Great Gatsby
work cited


F. Scott Fitzgerald ’s false representation is probably the most effective device used in The Great Gatsby . The Great Gatsby is an artificially set world by Fitzgerald. However, there is another artificial world within the novel that is created by lies, pretenses, and misunderstandings in communicating among the characters. Such false representations create artificial worlds in each character’s mind, and finally, leads into tragic ironies such as George Wilson killing Jay Gatsby after hearing the story about the accident of Myrtle’s death that was misrepresented. In this paper, I will attempt to touch upon the most crucial ironies created by false representations and what kind of tragic and fatal results those false representations finally brought. Fitzgerald’s uses of such irony is a very interesting and effective device in shaping of the novel.

참고 자료

Berman, Ronald. The Great Gatsby and Modern Times. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1994.

Donaldson, Scott. “The Trouble with Nick.” Critical Essays on Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston, Massachusetts: G.K. Hall&Co., 1984. 131-139.

Fraser, Keath. “Another Reading of the Great Gatsby.” Critical Essays on Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston, Massachusetts: G.K. Hall&Co., 1984. 140-153.

Foster, Richard. “The Way to Read ‘Gatsby’.” Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski and Phillis C. Mendelson Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research Company, 1978. 267-269.


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