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  • 캠퍼스북
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  • 탑툰 이벤트
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노멘클라투라의 기능적 분석

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


I. Introduction

II. What is the Nomenclatura?
1. Definition of the Nomenclatura
2. Privileges of the Nomenclatura
3. Theoretical Approach to the Nomenclatura

III. The Functions of the Nomenclatura System
1. The Guardian Role of Stalin’s Dictatorship
2. Control Functions by Empowering Responsibilities: Analogous to Feudalism
3. Adverse Effects of the System of Nomenclatura

IV. Conclusion


I. Introduction
In order to discuss the nomenclatura we must understand how Stalin seized the power. In 1924 the sudden death of Lenin without a prospective heir caused the leadership in a great power struggle. Stalin did not miss the opportunity to rise as the central power by eliminating his power contenders within the party leadership. As the solution for the chronic food problem, attributed to the failure of the Lenin’s New Economic Policy (NEP) model, Stalin initiated the policies of ‘compulsory farm collectivization’ and ‘extermination of total kulak,’ leading the Soviet Union to the path of industrialization under the first five-year plan. Such provisional achievement from the collective-compulsory policies defeated the right wing that supported the NEP, and by uniting the party opinion of the elite classes, Stalin’s status was eventually accentuated. Due to its controversial causes, this paper will not separately discuss the Stalin’s great purge between 1936 and 1938.

참고 자료

Han S. (2013) Understanding of Public Policy, Seoul: Daeyoungmunhwasa.
Michael Voslensky (1988). Nomenklatura: The Soviet Ruling Class. Seoul: Myungmunsa.
Dye, Thomas R. (1997) Politics in States and Communities. 9th ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc
Mervyn Matthews, (1978) Privilege in the Soviet Union: A Study of Elite Life-Style under Communism, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 36.
Ahn, H. (1993) ‘Bureaucratic System in Socialist State - the Nature of Nomencratura in USSR, vol. 31(1), no. 1, pp 39-68.
Lee, J. (2003) ‘A Critical Reflection on the Stalin’s Great Purge of the 1930s-Over the Origin and the Scale’, the Korean Historical Association, pp. 247-277.
Synn, S. (1986) ‘Special Issue on Chinese and Soviet Political Elites (2) ; The Privileges of Political Elites in the Soviet Class Structure - With Special Focus on Nomenklatura’, vol.10(2), pp. 39-68.
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