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공장설계및실습 과제3. Warehousing Problem(CPO)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
39페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Warehousing Problem(CPO)
1.1 문제해설
1.2 Decision Rule (CPO Index Rule)
1.2.1 Notation
1.2.2 Rank(우선순위)
1.2.3 Total Material Handling cost
1.3 Contour line
1.4 Rank(우선순위) 결정
1.5 Assignment
1.5.1 첫 번째 배치 방법
1.5.2 두 번째 배치 방법
1.5.3 세 번째 배치 방법
1.5.4 네 번째 배치 방법
1.5.5 다섯 번째 배치 방법
1.6 결과 비교

2. Personnel Scheduling
2.1 문제해설
2.2 Monroe’s Regular Day off 법칙
2.3 문제풀이
2.3.1 Day-off가 2일인 경우(Concept #1)
2.3.2 Day-off가 2~3일인 경우(Concept #2)

3. Centroid Problem
3.1 문제해설
3.1.1 (a) 문제풀이
3.1.2 (b) 문제풀이
3.2 문제해설
3.3 문제풀이

4. Reference


1. Warehousing Problem (CPO)
A rectangular warehouse is partitioned into twenty-four 10’x10’ grid square as shown below.
There are two docks located as shown (P1 and P2).
Two types of items will be stored in the warehouse. Item A will take up 14 grid squares. Item B will take up 10 grid squares. The items turn over once a month.
All items enter the warehouse from dock P1 and depart from dock P2.
All travel between docks and storage follow a rectilinear pattern.
All movement into the warehouse is handled by warehouse personnel, but only 1/2 of the item movement out of the warehouse personnel (the other 1/2 is handled by customer-properly supervised).
Any time item A is moved by warehouse personnel, the equivalent of 2 grid square of material can be moved at once. The material movement cost for Item A is $0.50 per foot of distance moved.
Any time item B is moved by warehouse personnel, the equivalent of only one grid square of material can be moved. The material movement cost for item B is $0.20 per foot of distance moved.

참고 자료

Introduction to Operations Research/Hillier, F.S. and Lieberman, G/ McGraw Hill/2009/9th Ed
창고시스템에서 보관위치할당 방식에 대한 이동거리와 보관위치 수의 분석 (한국산업경 영시스템학회, 장석화, 2006)
경영과학 저자 HILLIER , LIEBERMAN | 역자 김선교, 윤석훈, 이희상 | 지필
Principles of Mathematics in Operations Research | Kandiller, Levent | Springer Verlag
경영과학: 엑셀 활용 중심/김상종, 김오우/삼영사/2006
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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