• 캠퍼스북
  • 파일시티 이벤트
  • LF몰 이벤트
  • 서울좀비 이벤트
  • 탑툰 이벤트
  • 닥터피엘 이벤트
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  • 아이템매니아 이벤트

영문 PPT (스위스 호텔 산업)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
47페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction of our Hotel
2. Hotel Market & Characteristcs in Switzerland
3. Hotel Price Comparision
4. Global warming in real World
5. Customer Satisfaction


This is the table we can compare hotel price between real life and simulation. These prices are based on booking.com and I calculated the average of 5 hotels of each region and each level. The hotels in Zermatt are the most expensive as it is one of the most popular ski area in the world. The average price of 4 star hotel in Zermatt is 443 euro. Also the average of 4 star hotel in three area is 303 euro. As you can see here, the price in the game wasn’t really realistic. Our hotel price in the simulation was much lower than real life.

참고 자료

Darini, M., & Khozaei, F. (2016). The Study of factors affecting customer´s satisfaction with three star hotels in
Dubai. International Journal of Advanced Engeneering, Management and Science , 21-24.
Dominici, G. (2010). Customer Satisfaction in a Hotel Industry: A Case from Sicily. International Journal of Mark
eting Studies.
Gololja, M., & Spaho, A. (n.d). Customer Satisfaction Measurement Practices in Hotels. Some Evidence from
Albania. 10th International Conference of ASECU, (pp. 164-171). Tirana.
Moultry, L. (n.d). Customer Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry. HEARST newspapers.
Partel, M. (n.d.). Best Ski Resort. Retrieved from http://best-skiresorts.com/en/study-guest-satisfaction/
Priceline. (n.d.). Priceline.com. Retrieved from https://www.priceline.com/stay/search/details/2353805/20170116/20170117/1?returnUrl=%2Fstay%2F%23%2Fsearch%2Fhotels%2F5000283384%2F20170116%2F20170117%2F1%3FsearchType%3
Schweizerhof Hotel. (n.d.). Schweizerhof Zermatt. Retrieved from http://www.schweizerhofzermatt.ch/schw
Tripadvisor. (s.f.). Tripadvisor. Obtenido de https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Hotel_Review-g188098-d228197-R
Swiss Federal Statistical Office. ‘Swiss Tourism in figures 2015 structure and industry data’, 2015.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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