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Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate citizenship: differences and convergence of concepts CSR

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Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate citizenship: differences and convergence of concepts CSR
제목 그대로입니다. CSR 에 대해서쓴 에세이입니다. 미국에서 A받은 에세이입니다.
디테일한 부분은 목차를 참고해주세요.


I. The concept and application of CSR. Sustainable development.
II. Corporate citizenship. Stakeholder management
III. The correlation of CSR and business performance efficiency
IV. Prospects of CSR concept development


The concept of corporate social responsibility - CSR - exists for many years. In the 50-60-ies of the last century CSR firmly established in corporate governance in the United States and Canada. However, it mainly covered issues of corporate philanthropy, social security of company’ personnel, as well as assistance to local authorities on the basis of professional and sponsorship. This work was intertwined with the corporate functions of Public Relations - PR. In Europe, CSR was formalized at the Lisbon European Summit in March 2000, as well when the European Commission issued a so-called “Green Book on CSR” (July 2001) (Hermann, 2004, P.205).
The priorities of CSR use are environment protection activities and “sustainable development”. The impact of CSR on business attractiveness cannot be overestimated: the company may be attractive from the point of view of current profitability, but extremely unstable from the environmental and social standpoint.

참고 자료

Bourne, L. (2010). Stakeholder Relationship Management and the Stakeholder Circle. Saarbrücken, Germany, LAP - Lambert Academic Publishing.
Coombs, Timothy W & Holladay, Sherry J. (2011). Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach. Wiley-Blackwell.
Eweje, Gabriel (2014).Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Emerging Trends in Developing Economies. Emerald Group Publishing,
Hermann, Kristina K. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development: the European Union Initiative as a Case Study. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, Vol.11, Issue 2, 205-232.
Khan, Muhammad Tariq et al. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – Definition, Concepts and Scope (A Review). Universal Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No.7, 41-52.
Kolk, Ans & van Tulder, Rob (2009). International Business, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development. International Business Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, 119-125.
Schwab, Klaus (2008). Global Corporate Citizenship: Working With Governments and Civil Society. Foreign Affairs, Vol.87, No1, 107-118.
Sepper, Elizabeth (2014). Contraception and the Birth of Corporate Conscience. Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law, Vol.22, Issue 2, 303-342.
Warhurst, A. (2001). Corporate citizenship as corporate social investment. Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 1, 57-73.
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Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate citizenship: differences and convergence of concepts CSR
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